Thursday, 21 November 2013

Light Up Your Life


  Light Up Your Life

One of the things I pick up when I was modelling was about how lighting can make or break a photograph.
This can also apply to our everyday lives as well. If you've have spent ages getting ready to go somewhere special, or even just out for a meal. The last thing you want is to look your worst because of the venue's lighting!

These little tips will help you prevent that from happening.

One of  things you need to avoid when going to a restaurant is sitting underneath a spotlight, they are seriously unflattering, creating shadows where you don't want them. I don't know why places insist on installing them as they make you look awful.
Candles on a table are fine, as long as they're not too close as they will also cast shadows.
If you are going somewhere during the day where you will be seated. It is always good idea to try and face a window as opposed to sitting side on to one. By facing the window you will get an even light, which will create a brightening effect to your face and will look better than side on, which will emphasis any flaws you may have. 
The same logic applies to if you are skyping. You can see for yourself, how much better you will look with a window in front of you.
If you think you are going to an event that has overhead strip lighting, wear slightly stronger lip and eye colour. This type of lighting can be very draining and has a tendency to make you look washed out.
Clothes wise, a top or scarf with metallic hues of silver or gold in will act as a soft reflector and bounce a nice light to your face, which always looks good, especially in the dark winter months.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Vitamin boosting breakfast for great skin

One of the best ways to have great looking skin is to feed it with nutrients.
My favourite way to do this is with breakfast, which is load with skin enhancing nutrients- and it tastes great!
My papaya, seed and nut breakfast is good for this.
To make life easier, I fill a jar with a selection of seeds and nuts, which include- brazil,walnut,pine nuts, pumpkin, sesame and chia seeds.
After cutting a papaya in half and scooping out the seeds, I like to add a mixture of my seeds and nuts mix into the papaya's cavities.
I then add a dollop of organic natural yogurt, scatter with some fresh berries and sprinkle with  cinnamon.
This tasty recipe is quick and easy to do, and contains the following nutrients and their benefits to your skin. I've noticed a difference in mine and its a lot better than an expensive face cream!

Photo: By Carol Needham

PAPAYA - Not only is this fruit delicious, it contains high amounts of vitamins A & C, which not only boost the immune system, they are also fantastic for the skin.

WALNUTS - An excellent source of Omega 3 and vitamin E, as well as containing many B vitamins. All proven to keep our skin looking healthy.

BRAZIL NUTS - are high in selenium, which assists skin repair.

PUMPKIN SEEDS - contain zinc, which promotes the growth of new skin cells.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS - these are great for skin as they are high in vitamin E. Which is a powerful antioxidant, slowing down the ageing of skin cells.

SESAME SEEDS - another seed high in zinc, which promotes collagen and gives skin more elasticity.

CHIA SEEDS - the new superfood!Chia is high in antioxidants, proteins and over 60% of essential fatty acids, which help absorb the fat soluble vitamins - A,D,E & K. These in turn keep our skin and hair healthy.

RASPBERRIES - contain strong antioxidants such as vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid.

BLUEBERRIES - not only taste good, but again high in antioxidants, which protect skin against premature ageing.

STRAWBERRIES - high in vitamin C, which fights free radicals that damage our skin by breaking down collagen.

CINNAMON - is also high in antioxidants and a great source of manganese, fibre, iron and calcium.

PINE NUTS - is actually a seed and a powerhouse of vitamins that nourish our skin. These include E, K, niacin, magnesium and potassium.

NATURAL YOGURT - contains protein, calcium and vitamin D, potassium, zinc and B vitamins.

A cocktail of nutrients that taken on a regular basis will improve and maintain skin.