Thursday, 21 November 2013

Light Up Your Life


  Light Up Your Life

One of the things I pick up when I was modelling was about how lighting can make or break a photograph.
This can also apply to our everyday lives as well. If you've have spent ages getting ready to go somewhere special, or even just out for a meal. The last thing you want is to look your worst because of the venue's lighting!

These little tips will help you prevent that from happening.

One of  things you need to avoid when going to a restaurant is sitting underneath a spotlight, they are seriously unflattering, creating shadows where you don't want them. I don't know why places insist on installing them as they make you look awful.
Candles on a table are fine, as long as they're not too close as they will also cast shadows.
If you are going somewhere during the day where you will be seated. It is always good idea to try and face a window as opposed to sitting side on to one. By facing the window you will get an even light, which will create a brightening effect to your face and will look better than side on, which will emphasis any flaws you may have. 
The same logic applies to if you are skyping. You can see for yourself, how much better you will look with a window in front of you.
If you think you are going to an event that has overhead strip lighting, wear slightly stronger lip and eye colour. This type of lighting can be very draining and has a tendency to make you look washed out.
Clothes wise, a top or scarf with metallic hues of silver or gold in will act as a soft reflector and bounce a nice light to your face, which always looks good, especially in the dark winter months.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Vitamin boosting breakfast for great skin

One of the best ways to have great looking skin is to feed it with nutrients.
My favourite way to do this is with breakfast, which is load with skin enhancing nutrients- and it tastes great!
My papaya, seed and nut breakfast is good for this.
To make life easier, I fill a jar with a selection of seeds and nuts, which include- brazil,walnut,pine nuts, pumpkin, sesame and chia seeds.
After cutting a papaya in half and scooping out the seeds, I like to add a mixture of my seeds and nuts mix into the papaya's cavities.
I then add a dollop of organic natural yogurt, scatter with some fresh berries and sprinkle with  cinnamon.
This tasty recipe is quick and easy to do, and contains the following nutrients and their benefits to your skin. I've noticed a difference in mine and its a lot better than an expensive face cream!

Photo: By Carol Needham

PAPAYA - Not only is this fruit delicious, it contains high amounts of vitamins A & C, which not only boost the immune system, they are also fantastic for the skin.

WALNUTS - An excellent source of Omega 3 and vitamin E, as well as containing many B vitamins. All proven to keep our skin looking healthy.

BRAZIL NUTS - are high in selenium, which assists skin repair.

PUMPKIN SEEDS - contain zinc, which promotes the growth of new skin cells.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS - these are great for skin as they are high in vitamin E. Which is a powerful antioxidant, slowing down the ageing of skin cells.

SESAME SEEDS - another seed high in zinc, which promotes collagen and gives skin more elasticity.

CHIA SEEDS - the new superfood!Chia is high in antioxidants, proteins and over 60% of essential fatty acids, which help absorb the fat soluble vitamins - A,D,E & K. These in turn keep our skin and hair healthy.

RASPBERRIES - contain strong antioxidants such as vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid.

BLUEBERRIES - not only taste good, but again high in antioxidants, which protect skin against premature ageing.

STRAWBERRIES - high in vitamin C, which fights free radicals that damage our skin by breaking down collagen.

CINNAMON - is also high in antioxidants and a great source of manganese, fibre, iron and calcium.

PINE NUTS - is actually a seed and a powerhouse of vitamins that nourish our skin. These include E, K, niacin, magnesium and potassium.

NATURAL YOGURT - contains protein, calcium and vitamin D, potassium, zinc and B vitamins.

A cocktail of nutrients that taken on a regular basis will improve and maintain skin.

Monday, 28 October 2013

How to be a Poser!

It's all very well posing for a happy snap when you're doing something, like a sport etc, or even pulling funny faces and poses. But on the occasions when you would like to look your best and not awkward, it can be quite difficult. Especially when you're not sure of the best position to hold our body in. Our instincts tell us to just stand there grinning at the camera, and then complain when we witness the results!

In my experience as a model, it was my job to pose for photographs, looking relaxed and natural. Only it was all fake!

It can be a little bit embarrassing when you're not used to having your photo taken. I felt that way on one of my first photo shoots for The Unipart Calendar. It was taken on a busy street in Los Angeles and I was wearing a see through bikini! So I had to get over my inhibitions very quickly as the light was fading and the photographer was shouting at me to do the photos. So, I understand how uncomfortable it can be when you're posing and aware that people may be staring!
Especially in a public place like in a restaurant or on holiday.
I will share with you a few tips that worked for me and will for you too. Giving you the confidence to strike a pose!

First of all, it will always be more flattering on your body to turn 3/4 away from the camera and then twist your top half back in slightly, while bending your leg that's nearest to the camera.
This will give you a nice shape to your body which slims hips and waist.
This pose works whether you are seated or standing.
It's very simple, but effective, you can automatically just fall into the pose when you need to.
If you are standing next to someone in the photo, try leaning slightly into them while twisting your top half slightly to camera, maybe resting your hand gently on their shoulder.
Do this while remembering to pull your stomach in, relax your shoulders back and bend your front leg, so you have an S shape to your body.
Face wise- again slightly off camera is usually more flattering, with a soft smile and don't forget to smile with your eyes.
Many times when I modelled with young children, I would have to freeze my pose until the child smiled. Because that is the frame the photographer would want and he wouldn't want it of me looking away. This is also good in happy snaps when being snapped with animals or children. Try to hold your pose until they get it right.
Hands can be awkward. I always found it best to keep them looking natural by either resting on hips or an object or someone.
So next time somebody whips out their camera phone - you'll be ready.

I have attached a few images of myself to demonstrate this.

This photo was taken for the Unipart Calendar in Los Angeles on a busy main road!

break time while modelling swimwear in Thailand
swimwear shoot in Bali

Monday, 30 September 2013

Konjac sponge

Like most of us in the morning, I find the less time faffing about with products the better!
Having spent many years as a model and later as a model agent. I have always been looking out for the best skincare products to suit my needs.

The Konjac Sponge is one such item. I use it to cleanse my face in the morning. Its so simple, yet effective.

I have never seen the point in going through a cleanse and tone ritual in the morning , when all you've done is been in bed! So water and the Konjac Sponge is all you need. This little sponge just needs to be placed under a warm tap, then squeeze out any excess water and apply in small circular movements over face and neck. It is also gently exfoliating- an extra bonus!

They come in a variety of choices to suit every skin type and are 100% vegetable, made from the Konjac plant. I'm currently using the French Pink Clay one.

I find them quick and easy to use, leaving my skin feeling soft and refreshed and ready for my moisturiser. I purchased my one from Fenwicks for £6.99.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Top Tips For Models

I've been running Needhams Models for over twenty years now and before that I was a model for a long time. So in my opinion these are what a model should take on board. All of these suggestions ensure being rebooked by the client. So, in order...

1. Punctuality!
 Always arrive at least ten minutes prior to a booking. Don't rely  on sat nav timings - they don't take in consideration London traffic jams! Trains get cancelled. You can always go for a coffee if too early.

2. Reliability
Unless really genuine, food poisoning to back out of a booking is my personal worst nightmare- trying to find another model at the last minute! Remember, models are nearly always replaceable, clients are not.

3. Representing your photographs.
Photoshop can be great, but too much can be misleading to clients. The same goes for any physical changes. Always a good idea to let your booker know about changes to hair colour or style, skin,weight, etc. Sorry if this sounds obvious and patronising. But I have had a model turn up on a shoot with a leg in plaster, claiming to the client that I never asked her!

4. Updating your portfolio
There are many models in the industry, so its always good to have that edge on your competition by constantly updating your book. Either by testing or chasing work shots.

5. Being Prepared
A good model turns up with a selection of the required wardrobe that is presentable, and with their make up done, hair clean and styled.
Also, check your destination route the day before.

6. Personality
Don't turn up to a booking moaning about the weather, traffic, partner etc. The client isn't interested. Just be pleasant and professional. A lot of photographers tend to rebook models that they like to be around, and they're not necessarily the most attractive either.

7. Looking Good
Strangely this is the least important on my list, but nonetheless its a given that a model will need to look good and healthy.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

A great way to start the day!

The first thing I like to drink in the morning is a glass of Greens Plus Berry Burst. This amazing drink comes in powder form and is full of so many goodies. I just add a few scoops to a glass of water and feel instantly energised and ready to walk my dog Billy. Just in case I'm too busy to make it to the gym that day, a fitness instructor devised a set of exercises for me to do whist walking Billy, and they really work! More about that later.