Monday, 20 January 2014


A lot has been in the media lately about sugar and how bad it is for you. For years I have always read the ingredients listed on food products I've been purchasing, and I've always been amazed just how much sugar features how on the list. Especially in everyday .
savoury foods, you expect it in cakes, ice cream and and chocolate. But Mayonaisse? Tomoto ketchup? So called healthy low fat fruit yoghurts - all loaded with sugar.
Ive always gone for products that list the least amount of additives, whether it be butter or full fat yoghurt, and prefer to make my own veggie soups - easy and low in cost.
The same with fruit drinks, many contain sugar. Which is why I like to juice and make my own fruit drinks.
One of the best juicers you can buy are the ones that slow press. Basically they sqeexe the goodness out, thus enabling more vitamins to remain in your drink and less sugar.
one of the most cost effective ones that I have found is the Matstone 6 in 1 juicer. Not only is it a masticating juicer, but it also makes nut butter. Which is a bonus as there again- try finding a nut butter that hasn't had sugar added.
I love to juice
Small changes, big results, by cutting down on sugary foods and making your own soups and juices. Even low calorie chemical sweeteners are not good. i used to take them in abundance until I realised they were causing my headaches, and once I quit them, I could also quit headache pills. These days I use honey to sweeten my hot drinks and pour on my full fay yoghurt. I love it. Not any old honey, the best ones for you are the ones as local as possible. The one I use is a raw honey called Bee Mercy. It is naturally medicinal and very healthy.

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